Shooting in Maryland: At least five dead and two wounded attacked "premeditated" in the newspaper Capital Gazette


  Police Officers

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The police went to the Capital Gazette after a call to 911.

At least 5 dead and two wounded left a "premeditated attack" Thursday in a newspaper in Annapolis, capital of the state of Maryland, USA.

The events occurred when an armed man entered the offices of the newspaper Capital Gazette and shot in the newsroom.

"It looked like a war zone ", Phil Davis, a reporter from the Capital Gazette told the Baltimore Journal .

Anne Arundel County Police Chief, William Krampf, stated that the suspect's intent was to "cause harm" and spoke of a "premeditated attack" [19659012].

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About 170 people were evacuated from the Capital Gazette building.

About 170 people were evacuated from the place.

"I do not know why it stopped," said Davis, who hid with other employees under his desk while the man was firing.

"You do not know what traumatic has to hide under your desk and feel helpless."

After receiving a wake-up call, the police arrived at the scene within minutes and captured ] the suspect, who was later identified as Jarrod Ramos, of Laurel, Maryland.

Late Thursday, the police had not given information about the possible grounds for the attack, but the authorities treat the case as a local incident without links to terrorism [19659023] according to a source consulted by Reuters.

"We know that there were threats against the Gazzette across social networks," said Bill Krampf, a county police officer. Anne Arundel.

The Suspect

When the police found the suspect, his weapon was lying on the ground, outside his immediate proximity "An official told the county to CNN." In addition, they collected this which could be an explosive device.

Various sources quoted by news agencies stated that the attacker was a resident of Maryland around 30 years .


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Police denied that the attack was related to terrorist acts.

After the shooting, information circulated that apparently the man had changed his fingerprints to avoid being identified. The police, however, reported that there was no reason to believe that these reports were true.

Up to now, the police have not revealed the name of the suspect, but indicated that he was looking for his place of residence.


After the attack, the police increased the security ]

The President Donald Trump tweeted: "My thoughts and prayers are with me the victims and their families ".

Jimmy De Butts, publisher of Capital Gazette said in a tweet that he was " devastated and heartbroken."

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