Signs of indifference and indolence of the bishop


We have always promoted and congratulated the actions that bring the authorities closer to the citizens. Our regional community has always put on the table the feeling of distance and forgetfulness in which it feels, in relation to the great institutions.

Over the decades, we have been witnesses and spokespersons of our community's feelings about the injustices, inequities, deprivations, disrespect and indifference of those who feel victimized. .

Today, faced with a new case of injustice that has removed the feeling of our Aysenian community, we are talking about the abuse of children committed in the Villa San Luis House by religious, priests and people related to the Catholic Church of Aysén – we see how indifference and disrespect are repeated.

He continues to be scandalous when the bishop of Aysén, Luis Infanti de la Mora, says that when Luis Hernández, a rape victim, spoke to him in 2011 "of his traumatic experience "(we quoted the text quote), he asked for forgiveness, acknowledged the mistakes, but said the victim" expressed his agreement with the dialogue and serenity for closing a cycle in his life. "

We have every right to ask ourselves, and the whole community, and to call the bishop to answer if he believes that with this conversation, a victim of violations can really be left in the "serenity" and "have closed a cycle in his life". Is a "cycle" so traumatic only with a conversation? Really, Mr. Bishop, do you believe that a cycle ends, so simply?

In the same case, Bishop Infanti was asked whether this conversation with Luis Hernández was not for him a denunciation in itself. To which the priest answered: "Himself asked me to reserve this, because what I was looking for, was to have a clear conscience, to unload that weight that I had . "

Is not it logical that the community of Aysén disappointed, cheated, insulted, discriminated and trampled by this kind of indolent and indifferent comments?

When the infant Bishop insistently repeats at the press conference that it is the Office of the Prosecutor who must answer criminal investigations that have been conducted Is not it another example of indifference to the responsibility that the church and you have for these events?

We remind you that the Public Prosecutor's Office has investigated and the Court of Guarantee has decreed an arrest warrant against Víctor Hernán Troncoso Lara, then accused of badual abuse in the interior. from the house of Villa San Luis, ended up escaping and did not appear in court to face his lawsuit.

As we said yesterday in this same space, we must not judge the direction of Infanti at the head of the Church of Aysén, but we are charged with interpreting and attracting attention on the microphones, because it's one thing to read a statement asking for forgiveness and another thing is the bad attitude that he has shown up in front of questions from the press and respond: "The victims did not come there", so that he had just said that one of the victims came to you and with a conversation was serene and has closed a cycle in his life. Now, who would want to approach before so much indifference and indolence?

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