Similar prices can compete | ElPeriódico of Guatemala


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The parallelism of prices in fuels does not incur any infringement on the market, concludes the study presented by Juan David Gutiérrez, expert in free competition.

Gutiérrez He spoke at an event organized by the Union of Petroleum Importing Companies and the Law Institute of Competition, where the behavior of fuel prices on the local market has was badyzed and it was rejected that similar prices are anti-competitive or illegal

Last May, at the request of the deputies of the National Unity of Hope (UNE) group, the Ministry of Energy and Energy Mines (MEM) and the Directorate of Consumer Affairs (Diaco) have filed a criminal complaint price agreement in the marketing of gasoline and diesel. This was against the representatives of service stations and fuel dispensers.

According to the supervision of the Ministry of Energy and Mines, the average price for the self-service modality on July 9 in higher gasoline was Q27, Q25.89 regular and diesel Q22.20.

Market Demand

Gutiérrez, who also argued with cases from the United States, the European Union and some Latin American countries that parallelism is a similar behavior of companies. companies in a certain sector and time. "It's a common phenomenon in oligopolistic markets," he said.


Juan Ángel Díaz, president of the union, said that each defendant presented his defense before the Ministry of Energy and Mines.

Among the arguments presented is that Guatemala has the most competitive price in the region and that 90% of the cost of fuel corresponds to international prices and taxes, leaving little profit margin

" It is very striking that Guatemala does not have the law on competition "

Juan David Gutiérrez, expert in competition law.

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