Simon Case: Criminal appeals to report cases of animal abuse because they "have no way to defend themselves"


Impact, a few weeks ago, was the case of Simón, a small dog who suffered a brutal brutal treatment of animals and who, despite all the efforts of veterinarians, could be saved, dying for hours . The victim was buried in the yard of the same municipality of La Florida, which announced a lawsuit against officials, according to its mayor, Rodolfo Carter.

Even today, a demonstration was announced in Plaza Italia, to protest against animal abuse and demanding that those responsible for this cruel act be found and that justice be done, to which hundreds of people arrived accompanied by their pets.

Regarding the complaint of the Simón case, the criminal and director of Animanaturalis Chile, Celeste Jiménez, said that "what we need is that the investigation on cases of animal abuse be conducted with zeal, with professionalism, with training to the police, with specific reports, as for injuries, that the death of a person is occasional … When I talk about the zeal of the investigation is because here there are perpetrators who continue to circulate in the streets.I'm afraid, as a citizen, that these people may cause harm and I believe that they are a danger to the security of society. "

" Today, animal abuse is punishable by 541 days to 3 years in prison in a case like this. ci, and even aggravating factors could be applied to increase the sentence and, with an ancillary penalty, the inter Absolute perpetual diction of having animals. This does not fit into the old badumption of punishment, where there was a fine or 61 days or a low penalty, the sentences of today have worsened and have to do with the consequences of l & # 39; abuse. This dog caused serious and very serious injuries, similar to those that occur in a person, and as a result of these injuries, Simón eventually dies, even with timely relief. "

For Jiménez, it is essential that those who witness These crimes, denounce him." Try to collaborate with the research, the animals have no way to defend themselves, how to provide information on the occurrence of An event, the animals only talk about their wounds, we can not be left alone with that. I make a call as a criminal lawyer and as a director of Animanaturalis Chile's counsel, to the community to cooperate with the investigation, to always denounce. Fortunately, the mayor of La Florida has complained and it is the municipality that took charge of what happened to this animal, but I think that as a society we are called to denounce and not not stay with social networks, call us the police, call the police to find out more about the penalties for this type of crime. Go to the tests, go to the audience, be active, not enough to entrust to another. I hope this is clarified, that officials are sanctioned and that we can continue to train to get a good sanction against animal abuse, "he concludes.

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