Sindicato de Escondida considers the bonus proposal "unacceptable"


BHP proposed a payment for a trading term of $ 13.5 million, which is divided by eight points.

Despite the best dialogue that appears to have been recorded at the negotiating table between Minera Escondida and its workers union, which brings together 2,500 people, the advanced bid promoted by BHP on Wednesday night was short-lived.

In this document, the mining company has collected a number of points that have been discussed in the case that has been going on since June 18 and set a bargaining closure premium of $ 13.5 million plus a low-rate loan of $ 2 million.

The offer took the union by surprise, given that the deadline for closing the process is July 24th.

In a first internal statement, the union described BHP's proposal as inadequate, but later in a statement it was more severe.

One point that was particularly called into question was the proposed bonding system, since the payment of $ 13.5 million. For example, if the agreement was signed in July, $ 2 million was paid , or if the company was allowed to provide benefits to non-union members (just over 100 people), this amounted to $ 1 million (see table)

A particularly important issue that has been proposed was to bid for the isapre that carries the collective plan of the workers, is not made at least 10 years old and is working today through Cruz Blanca

As the company l '39. saw in his proposal, this would bring more benefits to the workers, because it could be realized to increase the percentage of bonuses, get national coverage and, in addition, reduce the costs of administering contracts. to be more competitive with the contest.

The union criticized this proposal, because in his opinion "there is no guarantee of maintenance of our current system".

"This proposal is unacceptable and does not produce If a substantial change is made, the union will be forced to vote strike, again paving the way for a conflict," said the union.

Patricio Tapia's directive was not obliged to put this company's first proposal to the vote, so in the coming days should continue the work of the table.

Yesterday evening and today during the morning there would be bademblies with workers, both on the site and in Puerto Coloso, in Antofagasta.

The purpose of BHP's move was to bring about a discussion on the new collective contract, which was considered a bargain premium of almost $ 26 million. The margin for raising this proposition would be rare.

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BTN was 115% larger than Codelco

If the $ 13.5 million premium offered by BHP to Escondida workers was divided by 36 months would extend the collective agreement , which was 115% higher than the average of what Codelco gave in 15 collective bargaining between 2017 and 2018. The state gave an average premium of 174 thousand dollars per month per worker, while BHP s & # Is valued at $ 375,000. Although of lesser magnitude, it was also higher than the obligation offered by Collahuasi and Pelambres (about $ 11 million each, disregarding other badociated payments).
Do these bonds affect the sector's wage equilibrium? Sebastián Aldunate, mining director at Hays Chile, commented that "the rest of the companies are still a little on what is happening with the Escondida bond because it creates precedents." In his opinion, the pressure is generated especially in the lowest wages, since there are the biggest imbalances.

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