SIP announces the date of the X Symposium on Industry and Energy


The Industrial and Energy Symposium "Innovation, Technology and Sustainability" of the Union of Industrialists of Panama (SIP) will be held on July 24, 2018, the organization committee being informed by a declaration.

The event will be held at the Las Americas Golden Tower Hotel and will have the participation of 16 national and international specialists, who will update on innovation, technology and sustainability in the fields from the environment, energy, manufacturing, technology, among others. The union's energy committee, Ricardo Sotelo

The theme of the event will be developed through panels such as renewable energies, investments and benefits, sustainable construction and electric mobility, new challenge of transportation, added symposium coordinator, Nanik Singh

As the keynote speaker will be the chairman of the Transforma Industri program as Intelligent of the Corporation of Production Development of Chile and the Association Chilean Technology Companies (Chiletec), Francisco Mardones, who will present the Symposium at the conference, Latin America and Industry 4.0.

For his part, the specialist in the effective management of energy, Fabián Coll Viloria, will present the theme of natural gas in industry


During the Symposium, which will begin at 8:00 am A space called "Industry Workshop" will be developed where companies will present innovations and technologies that interest the industry.

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