Sleeping with your cell phone nearby can cause damage to your health


INTERNATIONAL DRAFTING .- Since 2008, various health organizations and institutions try to maintain the debate about the risks badociated with the constant use of smartphones and mobile devices, including tablets and computers in Many notebook cases With the rapid and irresistible growth of the smartphone industry in the world, this debate should take more strength, however, has been slightly forgotten thanks to the convenience that this type of devices brings.

However, these institutions do not speak only of the risks of "dependence" or abuse that are often heard in the news. Their debates and discussions focus on the actual and physical damage that a smartphone can cause to a person, thanks to the constant radiation that it emits. And not just the radiation that your device is causing, but the wireless networks we rely on so much today.

The California Ministry of Health (CRPD) has been working since 2008 on a campaign to warn cell phone users about this type of radiation. Asserting that prolonged exposure to this type of signals can be very dangerous, especially in the physiology of children who use them.

It's just a cell phone, how dangerous can it be?

During a call or connection to the Internet, the mobile phone sends and receives powerful wireless signals in all directions, seeking a point of access to the network. But thanks to data plans, our equipment constantly emits this type of signal (and radiation). From our pockets, while we watch a video, let's call or even stand beside our heads to leave it by our beds.

Some of the damage that can occur, ranging from small discomforts to great health risks, is as follows:

High risk of developing cancer (especially the brain)
Creation of tumors in the body Acoustic Nerve and Salivary Gland
Reduced Effectiveness of Sperm / Infertility
Constant Headache / Migraine
Sleep Problems
Constant Fatigue
Reduced Cognitive Abilities (Reduced Learning and Understanding, Memory Loss , attention or hearing)
Unfortunately, completely eliminating the use of your devices is virtually impossible. The best we can do is to reduce their usage as much as possible, and try to keep a reasonable distance from these smartphones.

Turn off your data from time to time, and when you keep the phone at a safe distance from your body, and take off your hands when you are not telephoning. If you have a wireless headset, try not to abuse them.

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