Sociologist warns that Nicaragua will be completely disastrous if Ortega does not give in – Diario Digital Our Country


Managua, July 2 (EFE) .- Nicaragua, which is now 76 days of its most bloody socio-political crisis since the 1980s, can enter a downward spiral if the country's president, Daniel Ortega, yields not stop the repression and accept a peaceful solution, estimated today the sociologist Humberto Belli.

"Simply: if Ortega still hangs on to govern until 2021 in a few months the country goes to disaster," warned Belli, Minister of Education in Violeta Chamorro's Government ( 1990-1997), in an article sent to the press

According to Belli, the hopes with which large sectors of Nicaraguan society applauded the beginning of the dialogue to seek a way out of the crisis, "they have fallen to their point the lowest. "

" Their main aspirations were to stop the repression and find a peaceful solution to the crisis, to advance the elections or to negotiate the departure of the leader. "He noted that when the national dialogue was was inaugurated on May 16, under the mediation of the Episcopal Conference of Nicaragua, "there were 76 deaths, today they are approaching 300".

"Six weeks later, Ortega did not given any indication of accepting changes in the ca electoral delay, "Belli warned, for whom it is urgent that the president" give way or make him give way. "

" The belief that Ortega grew up As some feared, he called for dialogue to win time, hide his real agenda and weary the opposition, "he declared

suggesting that the most likely scenario we face is that of a dictator. determined to continue until 2021 – at least – without considering the consequences that would have for the country. "

" What would be the consequences? The most tragic, the loss of human lives, no one has calculated, "he said.

Economics have just partially rebadyzed the Nicaraguan Foundation for Economic and Social Development (Funides): If the crisis lasts until December, the economy he warned, but it would have decreased by 5.6% with a loss of $ 1.4 billion and perhaps half a million dollars.

For Belli, however, the badysis of Funides presents two limitations: and catastrophic collapse of banks, and look no further than December. "What would happen if, in 2019, Ortega continues to to deny the peaceful exit? ", he asked.

Therefore, for the sociologist, which is not difficult to predict, it is the lack of understanding. Popular indignation that exists, the situation would remain volatile, deadly for the business climate and very inclined for the country to enter a downward spiral which would leave "dwarfs" the worst predictions of Funides.

Nicaragua goes through the most bloody socio-political crisis since the 1980s, with Ortega also as president According to the latest report of the Nicaraguan Association of Human Rights (ANPDH), last Tuesday, 285 dead and more than 2,500 injured.

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) announced today the death of 18 people. During the first working week of the Special Follow-up Mechanism for Nicaragua (Meseni), which will take place from 24 to 30 June.

Demonstrations against the government began on April 18 they became a demand that demands the resignation of the president, after eleven years in power, with accusations of abuse and corruption against him. EFE

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