'Sombra', the police dog threatened by drug traffickers, will benefit from special protection


The authorities of Colombia took steps to strengthen the security of "Sombra" a six-year-old German Shepherd, become the "terror" of drug traffickers detect tons of drugs in their suitcases, boats and fruit shipments through the nose.

On July 28, the Gulf clan, mainly dedicated to illegal mining, drug trafficking and ] extortion offered $ 7,000 for anyone who has eliminated the German Shepherd in retaliation for having lost juicy profits with their drug shipments to Europe and other continents.

"The fact that they want to hurt " Shadow " and offering such a reward for his capture or death shows the impact he's had on his earnings, "said a Colombian police spokesman.

The German dog has been in the anti-narcotics force since he was a gold cache In two consecutive years he has been awarded the medal" Wilson Quintero "for his" invaluable contribution "in the fight against drug trafficking in Colombia

Since 'Sombra' was a death threat the Police decided to transport him in a vehicle with tinted windows and accompanied by two armed guards.In addition, from time to time your workplace is shot.More earlier this year, I was working at El Dorado airport of Colombia

The Criminal Organization

The Clan del Golfo is considered by the authorities as one of the most dangerous criminal organizations of Colombia . In addition, it is the greatest threat to peace after signing the agreement with the FARC in 2017.

It has affected about 4,000 men, who have been reduced about 1800 after the military badault that launched the government of Juan Manuel Santos since 2015, according to the official figures of 2017.

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