Son of the mayor of Laja is elected as the new governor of the province of Bío Bío | National


Vladimir Fica Espinoza, son of the current mayor of Laja, was elected new governor of the province of Bío Bío after the resignation of María Teresa Browne

Fica exercised as ] Director of Obras Hidráulicas in the Bío Bío region, until the appointment by President Sebastián Piñera.

The civil engineer was a candidate for the regional councilor in 2017, and has in his curriculum the construction of secondary schools, sewers and improvements in sanitation in the municipalities of
Quilleco and Tucapel.

Just a week ago, former provincial governor, María Teresa Browne, resigned after arguing that it was for personal reasons, that Sergio Vallejos was remained in office, acting, This regional appointment was

criticized by the deputy Leonidas Romero who questioned his appointment and his performance as regional secretary ministerial. However, Vallejos preferred not to refer to criticism after saying that it would only hurt the government.

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