Sony unveils new details and new images of the PlayStation Classic


The mini-console will be available early December

Sony has released new details and a series of images of the PlayStation Clbadic that give us a better idea of ​​what we can we expect this mini. console

For starters, the size of the device is so small that it fits even in a pocket, while preserving the visual appearance of the original PlayStation model in almost all its aspects.

The same thing happens with the control that reproduces it identically to the original control provided with the badog controllers, even though it is mentioned that the directional pad is now more comfortable to use.

When you turn on the PlayStation Clbadic, the clbadic start screen of the PlayStation 1 is displayed. menu with the 20 preinstalled games, including data such as the launch year, the distribution company and the number of drives supported. On this last point, it is good to remember that the package comes with two controls, so it will be possible to play some games with a friend or a family member from the first moment.

The console will also have a built-in backup function that will allow you to save up to 15 games per game, where there will be a screen to handle these files which displays a recreation almost identical to that of the original memory card.

Yes, continuing to play titles will be a lot easier than before because at any time they can. press the reset button to return to the main menu and the system will automatically create a checkpoint to continue playing as you enter the title again.

A very original detail is that of games originally released on two disks or In addition, you can press the Open button to edit the virtual disk.

Finally, it is mentioned that the titles will be displayed in relation. n of the aspect 4: 3 and some will be versions for Europe and others will be versions for America.

You will find below the list of games included in PlayStation Clbadic for America:

  • Battle Arena Toshinden
  • Cool Boarders 2
  • Destruction Derby
  • Final Fantasy VII
  • Grand Theft Auto [19659012] Intelligent Qube
  • Jumping Flash
  • Full metal gear
  • M. Driller
  • Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee
  • Rayman
  • Resident Evil: Director's Montage
  • Revelations: Person
  • R4: Tye Ridge Racer 4
  • Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo [19659012] Siphon Filter
  • ] Tekken 3
  • Rainbow Six by Tom Clancy
  • Twisted Metal
  • Wild Arms

The PlayStation Clbadic will be available December 3rd for $ 99.99.

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