"Sorcerer" extorts desperate women; I asked for the pack



The defense's intention is to have the defendant declared unbadailable for alleged psychological problems.


It was recently announced that Ariel Boiteux an Argentine computer scientist was accused of having extorted from 200 women between 2016 and 2017

Its victims of Paraguay, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Spain, Switzerland, Italy and the United States were threatened from their own photographs and videos. [19659005] As reported Irma Llano prosecutor of the unit specializing in computer crime, in the center of the TN, the criminal – who acted from Paraguay – opened web pages of & # 39; immediate moorings & # 39; where he offered witchcraft services for & # 40; recover lost loves & # 39;

The payment of love was not a large sum of money, but "badual rituals" for whom asked customers for videos and intimate photographs. [1 9659005] They use the police to make a "cloak of invisibility"

Later, he told the truth and demanded sums of money for do not distribute the images on the Internet. He managed to accumulate more than $ 100,000.

According to the prosecution, El Brujo & # 39; would have managed to get the victims to provide him with money through Western Union a company with which he was making money transfers. few controls from different countries.

As two of the victims were American, the North American District Justice of South Carolina requested his extradition, which Asunción Guarantor Judge Miguel Tadeo Fernández accepted.

The defense's intention is to obtain it. the defendant is declared inimputable for having alleged psychological problems. However, if American justice denies this option, Argentina is likely to go to jail.

*** MJPR ***


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