Spain: A great white shark was spotted for the first time in over 40 years [VIDEO] World


The Great White Shark considered one of the most effective and oldest predators of the ocean, was spotted for the first time in over 40 years, nearly of the coasts of the island of Mallorca. 19659002] Spain .

The animal encounter of about five meters long, was captured on video by a team of scientists, while she was swimming around the Cabrera Archipelago.

The last time that a similar animal was sighted, it was in 1976 in the Balearic Islands. The protagonist of this meeting was a local fisherman who described the huge sea creature, reports EFE.

  Spain: A large white shark was spotted for the first time in more than 40 years. (Facebook / BBC) "title =" Spain: A great white shark has been spotted for the first time in more than 40 years. (Facebook / BBC) "src =" "style =" display: inline; "/> </div>
<p id= Spain: A great white shark was spotted for the first time in over 40 years. (Facebook / BBC)


The white sharks They are able to travel at a speed going up to 64 km / h despite their size, weighing up to two tons and reaching a length of 6 meters.

"The presence of great white sharks in Spanish waters was a constant rumor. This is the first scientific testimony of the presence of Carcharodon in Spanish waters, "said Fernando López-Mirones, biologist, documentalist and expedition member who made the discovery.

" The conditions from the sea were excellent and we had about three meters from the boat and for 70 minutes we were able to observe it closely, "he added to the newspaper El País

the Alnitak 2018 expedition, formed by a team of scientists and conservationists, managed to record the shark for more than an hour.In 2007, fishermen from the Balearic Islands captured 27 white sharks between 1920 and 1976.

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