Spain, investment, Latin America | Economy


On July 16, Madrid will receive the Ministers of Economy, Finance and Planning of Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay, to promote and promote opportunities in Latin America

Officials will attend the conference organized by the Latin American Development Bank (CAF), entitled "Infrastructure for the Integration of Latin America".

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In the meeting the possibilities for integration Latin American will be reviewed by the development of infrastructure and logistics corridors approach, as well as the challenges and opportunities of financing projects and investment programs in the region

At the First edition, Vice-President Antonio Pinheiro Silveira of CAF Infrastructure will lead a session entitled "Infrastructure for Integration and its Impact on Regional Productivity".

While in the second edition, the Minister of Economy and Finance of Peru; Carlos Oliva ; the Director General of Macroeconomic Analysis and International Economics Ministry of Economy and Business of Spain Pilar Más; They will talk about "Financing infrastructure in priority sectors".

For the closing ceremony, the participation of the Minister of Planning, Development and Management of Brazil, Esteves Pedro Colnago, is planned; and the Minister of Development of Spain José Luis González-Páramo.

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