Spotify offers Google Home Mini to Family Premium subscribers


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There is good news for those who like good music and have no smart speaker yet, or who wish add a new one to their system. Spotify wants to attract new subscribers and make its Premium Family Family package more appealing by distributing Google Home Mini speakers.

As the battle between Apple Music and Spotify continues to intensify, Apple Music is still trying to maintain its position. running to the head in the United States. However, Spotify is extremely popular and the company is now trying a tactic to entice users to sign up for a family plan: a free device. The music company has announced that it will be giving a Google Home Mini subscription to Spotify Premium subscribers starting November 1st.

On its own, the Google Home Mini Smart Home Sells at $ 50, while the Spotify Package The premium costs $ 15 per month. With that in mind, getting a $ 50 gift and saving for both you and your family at the same time seems like a good offer, especially if you're already a subscriber or considering a family plan. Also add a new way to interact with Spotify if you're not yet a Google Home user.

"We're excited to partner with Google Home to bring the magic of voice to our Spotify Premium Family subscribers – after all, it's more fun to share the music you love with the people you love." said Alex Norström, Spotify's chief commercial officer. "For subscribers of the Family Plan, enjoying these moments will only improve." Now, whenever your favorite artists appear, you can simply say "Hey Google, turn up the volume!" "

Once If you have your Google Home Mini, you can use phrases like "Hey Google, tap Spotify" to get started. and "Hey Google, pause" to put the music on hold. When you're ready to listen again, all you have to do is say "Hey Google, restart Spotify" You can also use this feature to learn more about what you're currently listening to, with phrases like "Hey Google, how do you call this album? "Or" Hey Google, when did this song come out? "Obviously, if you're already in the Google ecosystem, you're surely already an expert in these commands .

This offer is very good to last a long time, so we suggest you do not wait long to enjoy it. Although the company did not announce specific dates, Spotify said the Google Home Mini system will only be available to subscribers of its family package for a limited time, starting Thursday, November 1st. To register or for more information, visit the Spotify website.

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