SQM case: the justice decrees the closing of the investigation – Policy


© Photo: Agencia Uno   SQM case: justice decrees the closing of the investigation

After the last diligence, the public prosecutor will prepare a mbadive formalization in the case of the irregular financing of the police.

24Horas .cl TVN


The Public Prosecutor notified this Friday at the 8th Guarantee Court of #Santiago the closing of the investigation of the case called SQM deal.

NOW # CasoSQM : Public Ministry informs the 8th Guarantee Court of #Santiago the closing of the investigation of the case. pic.twitter.com/4a8jNgcHPY

– Judiciary Chile (@PJudicialChile) 29 June 2018

After the last diligence, the Attorney General will prepare a mbadive formalization in the case Among the 18 people who will be formalized, one counts: Pablo Longueira, Patricio Contessa, Fulvio Rossi, Marco Enríquez-Ominami and Senator Jorge Pizarro [19659010] Until now, the only one who has reacted to this situation is Rossi, who by Twitter said that "a week ago the court of appeal dismissed my dismissal because there could be new diligences.Today" closed investigation then I hope to finally be done justice in a clearly political case. "

A week ago, the court of appeal dismissed my dismissal because there could be a new procedure. Today has been closed the investigation so I hope that finally justice is done in a clearly political case.
The Supreme Court was very clear: I have never committed a crime !!

– Fulvio Rossi (@FulvioRossiC) 29 June 2018


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