SQM case: the prosecutor's office orders the closure of the investigation


The investigation into the SQM case ended. The news was confirmed by the eighth guarantee court in Santiago.

From now on, the prosecution has until July 9 to present the prosecution against the 18 made official in the case.

imputed, are the former director general of the SQM, Patricio Contesse, former Senator of the UDI and former Minister of Economy Pablo Longueira, the former Senator Fulvio Rossi, the Senator Jorge Pizarro, former presidential candidate Marco Enríquez-Ominami and former Ambbadador Marcelo Rozas.

According to Cooperativa consigned public prosecutor Carmen Gloria Segura, stated that "from the strategic point of view, we collect the investigations for the facts attributed to all persons involved in this case, so, all the formalized ones are in the same cause and in this virtue, we closed the investigation. To proceed with what corresponds, the next act is to formulate the accusation. "

" We worked all this time as the investigation lasted, gathering research files to base the charges and we have worked to advance in the drafting of the investigation, "he added.

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