Standard Bearer and Hero: The Story of Agustín, the 11-year-old boy who defended his grandparents


With a stick, he faced three thieves, one of them armed, who were trying to steal their vehicle. The boy, who carried the flag yesterday in an act in his school said that he would "do it again"

A few weeks after his 12th birthday (29 July), Agustín had to put himself in a situation – "without thinking", he will say – very difficult to help his grandparents, when three armed criminals badaulted them to steal the car.

The entire scene was recorded by the home security cameras: from the moment the survivors descended a gray vehicle, at the corner of 5a and 518, and they decided to attack Osvaldo Mateos ( 74) while he was getting ready to get into his car, a Citroen Xsara Picbado.

Then the fight was coming, the two shots, the intrusion of Mauricia Candel (70 years), the wife of Osvaldo, cries of despair, another shot and l & # 39; The intervention of their grandson, who with a stick tried to chase the aggressors.

Three days have pbaded the violent badault on the boy as a victim and protagonist of the resis tencia For the inhabitants of this region of Ringuelet, it is the insecurity that has overflowed and last night, with a street protest in 7 and 518, they demanded more police presence and crime prevention.

At the kitchen table with her grandmother, the memory of the story in which she sought to protect her grandparents arises between laughter and glance. The close relationship shown by Mauricia and Agustín was the driving force that brought him to face an armed man.

At the time of the incident, "I was writing letters to my best friend because the birthday is coming". This diary

Mauricia, who helped her in this task, went to her room to change and when she looked out the window, she saw three strangers beat her husband

"Then he s & # 39, ran away and started screaming.And I heard a shot and without thinking I caught a piece of wood and I went out to defend my grandparents, "says Agustin

in the street he finds himself face to face with the criminal carrying the pink wool revolver.The two looked at each other, none spoke.

The boy faced him with the arm in which he had the stick raised and the thief when he saw him approaching, pointed him out.

At that moment three things happened: the thief's weapon was activated for the last time, Mauricia shouted to them "To my little- you did not touch him "and those who boarded the car escaped at full speed

" When I saw him point by his grand-son I am desperate, "said the woman.

The trance left the child "trembling with fear". The car was finally abandoned in 513 between 10 and 10 bis.

With the emotions of a night loaded with two dramatic minutes, the dream reached him quickly. "I ate and slept," he says.

The "mania" of pulling the curtain and looking out the window of the room has a practical explanation, explains Mauricia: "Last year I did it involuntarily and I saw two young people They climbed a tree to enter the house opposite, I came to warn the neighbors, because we were all talking in the neighborhood, and I ran to the screaming. "

However, the same people tried the maneuver later, and again the teacher "chased" them immediately. This second time "pruned the plants directly" to avoid a third.


After the holidays and the commotion that caused the incident, Augustine had to return to his daily life, Upon his arrival yesterday, a surprise l & # 39; waiting.

"We had already been warned not to miss the two grandparents, but we thought it was for the act," said Mauricia.

Her grandson would be the door "I do not ask for big notes, for me with a seven is enough for me, because I know it's going to make an effort. It's a good student, but it was a surprise, "said Mauricia

Meanwhile, Agustín was still meeting his teammates.

"Some people worried about me and asked me," Are you all right, they shot you? " . They wanted to know what had happened. "

The next year, the secondary school waits, with the biological and social changes that implies.

And then, a possible university career that leads him to be" scientific, physics and chemistry. "

The appointment delighted the three as well.Although for the teacher, the jubilation was twofold.

After the tragedy, the dream reached him quickly.Agustín dined and fell asleep [19659028] The youngest is in his charge "for months."

And while Mauricia has six daughters and 12 grandchildren, Augustine is in a sense the son they could not

For Agustín, the aggression already belongs to the past.His worries are now those of a boy of his age: the birthday comes and he wants to give a "pajamas" .The most complicated will be to "draw up the list of guests "(cousins ​​included) who will eat" homemade pies, pizzas and cakes. "For his grandmother, the mess is not such." In the end, all the world ends. "


Towards the end of the afternoon, about 50 meters from the house of the Mateos, about thirty neighbors of the area came out to demand an answer to what they describe as a daily drama in which the 12-year-old boy with a stick, alarms on the street and homes, bars and family information Dedicated to dodge drones, appear where it is not the state. "We have to invest in the alarms of the house, the street, the electric gates, the cameras to try to protect us from the thieves that the police know," lamented Mónica, who said she had been the victim of two entries at her home. There were family members responsible for his students at a school in Tolosa

Among the protesters were Osvaldo and Mauricia. The head of the sixth police station, Juan Claure, went to the subpoena and explained to the neighbors that there were ongoing investigations in the case of Sunday. As well as there have been arrests related to other recent flights, he said. He also proposed to maintain direct communication through a WhatsApp group for emergencies and complaints.

"We have to do the operations before, to prevent," said a man about 60 years old while the police gave his explanations. The meeting on the street will continue today at the police station, it has been signed.

Sunday was a turning point for the neighbors, who add to the anguish in this enclave with theft and vandalism even including what they use as a protective shield. . "There are boys between the ages of 10 and 12 who throw him into the lampposts with the sling, and they also break the neighborhood's alarms," ​​said María, another neighbor in the street. In 518, from 7 to 5, the lights indicating several speakers installed on the power lines were flashing. Neighbors kick them out of their homes when they feel in danger.

As the conversation with the police officer progressed around the corner of streets 7 and 518, two police motorcycles bowed. "We still need it now that we're all here and the cameras are not needed," sarcastically withdrew. "We need more police," insisted another neighbor in front of Commissioner Claure and did a bit of history: "Before, we had a police station in 8 and 509. Then they l? moved to 13 and 512. Finally, it came to us from Ringuelet, but our police station is in Tolosa, "he said. [ad_2]
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