Start of the sale of the shares of the company Energy de Bogotá


District hopes to raise about $ 2 billion for infrastructure programs and social projects

After the first phase of democratization, Empresa de Energía de Bogota (EEB) started the public sale. of 20% of the shares that the District has in said group, which should be able to collect about $ 2 billion.

According to Treasury Secretary Beatriz Arbelaez, the enagenación process has already been opened for domestic and international markets, and is expected to be completed before the end of the year.

The local government has 76.3% shares of the energy conglomerate so when this process is completed, it will retain 56.3% of the participation, that is, to say that it will continue having the highest percentage.

Although the money raised from this transaction should advance infrastructure programs and social projects in the city. As reported in recent days Bloomberg, in February, the banks staged a promotional tour in which investors from London to New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Lima and Santiago de Chile advised the company and the shareholders who will wait after the presidential election to start the offer.

1,836,235,433 securities are leaving the market, shares that are currently valued at $ 2,040

The sale of shares through democratization is a process through which only investors are allowed to buy a number of actions, to prevent that they remain in the hands of a few. In the first step-directed to active and retired, former employees, entity unions, employee funds, among others- the interested bid for the common stock 20 %. [19659003] The guarantee for the sale of the shares was given in 2016 by the Council of Bogotá . This is the second largest democratization of the country's shareholders, after Ecopetrol

The energy group is present in in Colombia, Peru, Guatemala and Brazil. In the country, it develops 14 projects of electrical transmission which include 1 700 kilometers of networks.

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