Start the week of CSR with a call to break paradigms


Tomás Regalado, President of Fundemas, inaugurated the CSR Week yesterday./ Diego García

The Fundació de Empresa Sociales (Fundemas) started its annual meeting on Monday. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and He urged companies to break with paradigms to ensure the sustainability of their businesses through the success of the communities where they operate.

CSR and Sustainability Week focuses this year on its innovation program. In the inaugural address, Fundámas President Tomás Regalado Papini said El Salvador already has companies that, thanks to innovative strategies, have made their operations a lever for community development.

Textile maquila Central America, which aims to be "a stepping stone" for its employees. Recognized for the rehabilitation of gang members through an employment and educational opportunity, the league has been able to increase its value five times and build a solid reputation through its programs. hopes to replicate in five technology parks that she plans to build.

Examples are Industrias La Constancia and its work for the conservation of the environment, especially water. To date, he has managed to reduce by 53% his consumption of this resource and by 2025 he expects to be neutral: every liter consumed will be a liter that will be returned to the 39; environment.

Regalado pointed out that the success of these measures as a team, for alliances between the public and private sectors.

In the same vein, the United States Ambbadador to El Salvador, Jean Manes, said that development is led by those who think differently and dare to operate. in a different way.

Changing the Paradigms

The first day of the conclave was attended by two international speakers: American Jerome Glenn, CEO of the Millennium Project, and Chilean Inti Núñez , director of the Strategy of Universidad de Concepción

Glenn recommended to El Salvador to create his own index "State of the future (Sofi, in English)". This measure, developed by the Millennium Project, includes forecasts for the next decade, based on historical statistics for the past 20 years. A Sofi would identify the country's position on future challenges, such as climate change, crime or terrorism.

Núñez said that the most difficult thing to innovate "is to change the paradigms", but it is necessary. "Innovation, corporate social responsibility, sustainability are badociated with better ways of doing things," he said.

Núñez also pointed out that it is "wrong" to believe in the theory of overflow. Inclusion, he said, is the one that adds up.

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