Strange but true: San Felipe merchants announce a protest against bike paths | New


The use of bicycles and the layout of bicycle lanes could be a source of joy for many, but for a group of merchants, this is not the case.

Sellers in San Felipe will demonstrate in front of the municipality to express their annoyance over the bike path located there, accusing sales in this sector of falling.

These bike paths began to be built in August 2017 as part of the "Public Transit Management Plan" executed by the Urban Development and Housing Department and approved by the San Felipe City Council.

These are modifications to the central checkerboard of the city and changes in the direction of transit. Project that envisages 9.4 kilometers of bike lanes in Merced, Pratt, Salinas, Las Coimas, Yungay, Chacabuco and Maipú streets; Avenues that arrive directly at the Plaza de Armas de San Felipe.

Eugenio Carballo, a merchant of the municipality, said that this project had been carried out without prior consultation of the union, which affected nearly 400 stores in the region, which accused the street of becoming narrower and [19659002] In addition, he stated that during the construction of the bicycle lanes and the closing of the streets, the merchants paying rent were the most affected.

The members of the San Felipe Municipal Planning Secretariat indicated that the cycle lanes were in the old part of the car park road and that their work would be completed in mid-December.

Claudio Paredes, Secretary of SECPLA, Municipality of San Felipe, reported that work is underway for the installation of 17 new intelligent traffic lights, semi-pedestrian walks around the square and reconstruction Sidewalks with tiling. investment close to 5 billion pesos.

In addition, he added that many of the observations made by the merchants had been taken into account to improve the project, including the burladeros built before a possible car crash on the roadway and that would allow a space to avoid causing traffic jams.

Once the project is completed and delivered to the municipality, this work can be corrected by the town hall. He illustrated the fact that some terminals can be removed, which creates mobility difficulties for larger vehicles.

At this moment, the San Felipe union is waiting for the request addressed to the provincial government to accept this march and demonstration which should take place Tuesday from 10:00 to 14:00. hours

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