Strengthen care in pediatric public hospitals



Strengthening of Care in Public Pediatric Hospitals

The measure was adopted by the Ministry of Health in response to the high demand for respiratory diseases. The circulation of respiratory viruses has been demonstrated and circulation of influenza virus (influenza virus) in the province has not been detected by date.

Editorial El Santafesino


The Minister of Health, Andrea Uboldi, visited the Dr. Orlando Albadia Children's Hospital in the city of Santa Fe. [19659007] Source: Prensa Gobernación

The Ministry of Health, through the Directorate of Prevention and Health Promotion, reinforces care in pediatric public hospitals, before the high demand for respiratory diseases, according to what is waited for the period of the year.

In this regard, the Director of Epidemiology, María Carolina Cudos, reported that "the circulation of respiratory viruses, such as the syncytial respiratory, adenovirus, parainfluenza, has been demonstrated and the influenza virus does not occur. Has not been detected so far (flu virus) in the provincial territory. "

"Low temperatures favor the onset of diseases that affect the airways and therefore, the demand for care in the effectors of health and the number of hospitalizations increases," noted the specialist.

He also explained that "from the Ministry we conducted a monitoring to evaluate the development of this process and the needs of the health services, and despite this increase in consultation, we respond with resource reinforcements" As a result For example this weekend in pediatric hospitals, the number of consultations was 250 to 280 at the Children's Hospital. Orlando Albadia "from Santa Fe and 300 to the hospital" Víctor J. Vilela de Rosario ".

"These diseases affect us all without distinction of age, but the most vulnerable are always children, especially those under 6 months of age, and most of these diseases are caused by viruses. these diseases account for 48% of the total, whereas in 2017 they accounted for 55%, "he continued.

In addition, confirmed that "this year, as in previous years, the most common disease is bronchiolitis, is characterized by obstruction of the small airway, the peak occurs between 2 and 6 months. Hospitalization is one of young children who, because of their young age, the immaturity of their defenses and lung development require more attention, "Cudos said.

Similarly, he explained that "the virus responsible is respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) responsible for 20 to 40% of cases, so far, up to 60% of hospitalized patients are positive for this virus This disease is transmitted from one person to another by contact with tiny contaminated droplets or objects that have come in contact with them.The symptoms usually appear 4 to 6 days after contact with the skin. virus. "

"Until now, the treatment of RSV involves hydration and oxygenation until the end of the disease.Antibiotics do not cure RSV, and infants and Children with severe infection with this virus may require hospitalization to receive oxygen, humidified air and intravenous fluids.It is also possible that a ventilator (ventilator ) is necessary. "

"There is still no vaccine that prevents infection with respiratory syncytial virus, but scientists are working hard to create one.However, there is a drug that can help protect some babies, called palivizumab, which consists of a series of monthly injections during the winter season to infants and young children who are at higher risk of being seriously ill from this virus (premature, with heart disease). In the province, we have 281 premature babies, 28 with conbad heart defects and 38 Iapos patients who have already received 3 doses of this drug, "concluded Cudos.

How to prevent

To prevent the disease, it is recommended to strengthen badfeeding; have the vaccination schedule up to date; and that children under 2 years receive BCG and anti-hepatitis B (at birth), Salk / Sabin, pentavalent, pneumococcal 13-valent, rotavirus, meningococcal, triple viral, hepatitis A, chickenpox and between 6 months and 2 years 2 doses of influenza vaccine.

In addition, generate environments without toxic, avoid cigarette smoke that decreases the functioning of the respiratory defenses in young children and take care of the indoor air of homes avoiding smoke Of wood; ventilate the rooms; wash your hands frequently when returning after work, school or outings; avoid taking children to closed environments with a lot of people, because in these spaces the infection of respiratory infections is favored; and consult your doctor immediately or go to the nearest health center if the child is sick, do not stop badfeeding and lower the fever.

When a child gets sick it is the doctor who must determine the type of disease, treatment and recommendations to follow, the airways must be permeable (aspiration of secretions, before feeding them s'. there is nasal obstruction), must sleep or rest in a semi-complete / semi-sitting position and the feeding must be split up (little and often).

Finally, if the baby's or the child's breathing accelerates and the cough increases, if it is noisy with wheezing (wheezing) or breaks, if the breathing smothers the ribs, if it is difficult to feed or sleep and if you have blue or very pale skin, you must act urgently and go to the nearest health center.

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