Strengthen measures in case of respiratory diseases and infections


The increase in the number of professionals in Urgency and Pediatric UTI, the delivery of kits for the rapid detection of syncytial virus and a strong campaign of self-management for citizens and children's gardens make part of the measures to prevent infections in children. 19659002] Aysen.- Statistically, in the region of Aysén, the peak of ARI (acute respiratory infections) occurs with the return of children to clbades after the winter holidays, with a lag two months compared to the rest of the country. Indeed, the outbreak of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) occurred in the Aysén region in 2017. It is in this context that the regional hospital of Coyhaique with the Seremi and the Health Services were in this context.
Aysén, have taken a series of measures that aim to strengthen clinical care and preventive initiatives, aimed primarily at citizens, nurseries and kindergartens.
Increasing the number of professionals in Emergency and Pediatric Intensive Care, delivery of rapid detection kits for respiratory syncytial virus and a strong campaign of self-care, are among the measures that aim to prevent infections in children.
As part of the health alert for PM 2.5 affecting the commune, and as part of the 19 decontamination measures of Coyhaique lifted by the regional government of Aysén , is the delivery of kits for the rapid detection of VRS for the regional hospital al Coyhaique, those used in the Emergency and Pediatric services.
"The kits come to support all these respiratory diseases, which are partly caused by the amount of circulating virus, added to the environmental contamination in the common Coyhaic," said the Health Seremi, Alejandra Valdebenito
The health authority pointed out that thanks to the joint work between the intersector, it has been possible to manage not only more resources, but also more effective prevention campaigns. This is the case of vaccination against influenza, which has achieved a regional coverage of 95%, which gives rise to this virus so typical of the winter period does not present any major complications for children of Aysén.
Dr. Iván Lemus, Chief of the Pediatric Department of the CDH, explained that "these kits allow us greater speed in the diagnosis of the pathogen that affects the patient at the time of admission to the hospital. regional hospital, able to treat and attack the virus "

Unlike previous years, the VRS was presented differently than usual, with a total of 27 confirmed cases to date, of which only 4 had to be transferred to other national referral hospitals.
"I want to emphasize that the preparation of our team, as well as the work that is done in the Unit Pediatric Intermediate Treatment (UTIP) of the Regional Hospital, has allowed that 85% of cases have been successfully resolved therapeutically. We are better prepared, our team is doing a very good job, with a much better reaction than last year, "said Jaime Lopez, director of the Coyhaique Regional Hospital.
For his part, the head of the Pediatric Department added that currently there are six hospitalized children, those who are stable. "We had an early departure from the VRS. Usually, the first cases were presented at the end of July and this year began in May. Compared to previous years, it was very different. "
Meanwhile, the director of the HRC pointed out that the start of the UTIP by the end of 2017, added to the incorporation of a pediatric intensivist and a pediatrician to said unit, more strengthening of childcare in Urgency, allowed greater resoluttividad in the health center.
"The head of the pediatric department with our pediatric intensivist have defined a series of measures and requirements that we worked with the health minister during his visit to the region, with our Seremi and with the regional mayor. We also benefit from the ongoing support of the Minsal Centralized Bed Management Unit, so that they can quickly provide us with reference beds when we have to move a child, "said Jaime López
"The VRS has a mechanism of contagion that can be by" droplets "of saliva, but also by contact: for example, if several children play with the same toys, they will all be contagious," explains Dr. Lemus, emphasizing In addition to home-based care, the children's gardens must also take preventive measures. "You must insist on washing your hands, or not having all the toothbrushes together in one. glbad, "he added.
Since the mutation of respiratory viruses over time, the professional advises the utmost care.It should be for infants under one year, and for children If you have coughs, excess mucus or phlegm, it is best to rest in their homes instead of attending educational institutions. "In the case of children under the age of three months who are coughing, they should consult a doctor either in primary or emergency care," said the chief of pediatrics at HRC.

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