Stroke Day: Symptoms, people at highest risk and where free checks will be made


This Thursday, October 25, will celebrate the Day of Stroke and free health checks will be made to prevent it.

Those who pbad through the esplanade of the Salvador Metro will be able to control and know the importance of maintaining healthy numbers. your blood pressure, your blood glucose and your cholesterol in addition to the symptoms on the face, the speech and the arm to which they must be vigilant to avoid serious and deadly consequences.

In the same way, there will be points of information and control of blood sugar and pressure. on Victoria Square in Valparaíso, at the exit of the Dr. Guillermo Grant Benavente Regional Clinical Hospital in Concepción and on the outskirts of Dr. Hernán Henríquez Aravena Hospital in Temuco.

Walter Feuerhake, a neurologist at Clínica Santa María and a member of the Society of Neurology, Psychiatry and Neurosurgery of Chile (Sonepsyn) explains: "Stroke occurs at any age, but the most common is for people over 45 years, although this can happen even in children.The earlier the care is given, the more likely the patient will not hurt or damage.Finally, we have an effective treatment that changes the prognosis, but people must be alert to the symptoms and consult a doctor immediately. "

According to Ministry of Health figures, this emergency would have caused 9,004 deaths in 2013 and every day of their registration. 69 cases. Anyone can have a stroke, but there are clearly behaviors and risk factors, such as high blood pressure, hyperglycemia and hypercholesterolemia, smoking, diabetes , obesity, sedentary lifestyle, excessive salt intake and alcohol. It is therefore very important to control these levels at least twice a year. 93% of recorded strokes occur in people over 45 years of age.

Symptoms of stroke

Every year, in Chile, one person dies every hour as a result of this disease, which is why it is so It is important that before any symptoms, the person is transferred to an emergency service as soon as possible. Every second counts because an ACV kills 2 million neurons per minute.

It is essential to receive treatment as soon as possible in the first hours, preferably in the therapeutic window, that is to say before 4.5 hours from the beginning. its symptoms, so that its sequelae will be minor or non-existent in a significant percentage of cases.

It is enough for one person to show only one of these three signs to know that she is suffering from a stroke and that she is immediately transferred to the services of her husband. 39; emergency. Nearest:

  • Face: Dead face, crooked mouth or facial palsy
  • Arm: Difficulty lifting or losing strength of one of them [19659011] Speaks: Difficult to speak clearly, babbling or inconsistency in the message

Although these symptoms are the most common, there are others such as numbness of a person. limb, loss of vision, confusion or difficulty. grown to speak.

Women face unique risk factors

In Chile, the latest national health survey showed an increase from 1.7% to 3.2% in cases of Stroke in women. . In general, as they live longer than men, this type of accident will have an even more negative impact on their lives.

"As the population ages, the incidence of stroke also increases among women, although older women are more at risk because they have a longer life expectancy," warns neurologist Daniel Cárcamo. of the Southern Metropolitan Health Service (SSMSUR-Minsal), part of the medical staff of the TeleAct unit.

Among the most well-known risk factors for stroke, a recent survey conducted by Dr. Kathryn Rexrode, of the Brigham and Women's Hospital's Department of Medicine in Boston, says women add unique factors that increase the risk of stroke.

According to the 39; study published in the Stroke Magazine, the early age of menarche or the first rule (before the age of 10); early age at menopause (before age 45); low levels of 39; hormon e dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEAS) and the use of contraceptive pills are antecedents that increase the risk of stroke in addition to other elements such as a history of complications during pregnancy, gestational diabetes , pre-eclampsia or hypertension during or immediately after pregnancy. [19659019] <! – Download the attached document of this news ->

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