Students of Colegio SSCC de Alameda are under investigation for distributing pornographic material | National


A group of students from School of the Sacred Hearts of Alameda is the subject of an investigation for the eventual distribution of material containing child badgraphy [19659002]. November 2017 that there was a website with badgraphic images of young people who do not belong to the institution. In addition, the blog featured photographs of school students who had been taken from their social networks, according to La Tercera.

These documents were released by the school to the investigative police on November 22. Two days later, the Metropolitan Cybercrime Brigade was ordered to investigate that the North Central District Attorney's Office issued to it to implement new procedures such as: statements and identification of the accused.

The results of these proceedings were submitted to the Crown on March 23rd.

However, this is not the only complaint that exists, since this Wednesday another has been filed. This occurred after they appeared in the establishment about anonymous pamphlets where he indicated, with their photos, the name and course of the students accused of distributing this material.

These posters were also accompanied by a message stating that "we can no longer tolerate the pbadivity and inactivity of the external and internal research of the School of the Sacred Hearts of Alameda. "

" Well, the complaint was filed last year by the child badgraphy traffic and there has not yet been any information about the process and the results. It should be noted that the defendants continue to exercise their role of student and brigadier, "they add in the message.

After these posters were revealed, from the Association of Parents and Lawyers of SS CC Alameda School, "In response to the contents of the posters affixed to the outer walls of the school, we formally requested information on the existence of an investigation in this regard and the measures taken by the school. "


While the institution issued a statement to the educational community where they indicated that "the school rejects this and all violent demonstrations, and does not accept that 39, no member of the community is harbaded, altered, or publicly accused of conduct constituting crimes without prior accreditation (…) We reproach any type of abuse, manipulation and / or mishandling of r "[19659003] In addition, the rector, Iván Villalón, told the media that "the complaints seemed serious from day one, which is why we ask our lawyer to file a complaint with the IDP immediately." we reinforced our internal complaint protocols and from this episode we set up a gender committee composed of students and professors. "

The institution had started an internal investigation in November, but susp due to the diligence carried out since Police Investigation.

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