Studies: Alcohol Consumption by Mexican Women Continues to Increase


In recent years, there has been an upward trend in alcohol consumption among women globally. Countries like the United States, Spain and Mexico reveal that women are consuming more and more alcohol and at a younger age. In some cases, compared to men, their consumption has doubled or tripled.

At least during the last period, women have left behind many stereotypes and taboos about alcohol consumption, so that the increase According to researchers at the National Center for Research on the 39, Alcoholism and drug abuse from Sydney, Australia, the figures on the ingestion of alcoholic beverages can be viewed in more than 68 countries

. Alcoholism and Alcoholism (NIAAA) in the United States, where it is observed that between 2002 and 2013, women's alcohol consumption increased by 87%.

For its part, the latest National Survey of Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco Use in Mexico reveals that women's consumption of alcohol increased from 1.4% to 3%, 5%, more than 200% in the last five years.

With regard to the abuse of this substance, it increased significantly from 2.2% in 2011 to 7.7% in 2016. In addition, 4 out of 10 women aged 12 to 17 years have tried alcohol in less than one occasion, data that confirm that contact with alcohol occurs at an early age.

Alcohol causes not only premature death but also serious physical, mental, emotional and social consequences that not everyone knows. In general, it is thought that alcohol is badociated with accidents and violence or social stigma, in the case of women; however, the damage can be much greater.

The increase in alcohol consumption is not the only upward trend, since deaths recorded by cirrhosis of the liver related to this disorder in women increased almost in the same proportion between the year 200 and 2013, says the National Institute on Drug Abuse of the United States.

You can observe almost the same trends regarding the number of alcohol – related crashes in this genre, as well as in the figures with respect to premature births badociated with the consumption of alcoholic beverages. alcohol during pregnancy, accidents and death of minors whose mothers have drinking problems, a greater number of divorces or family separations whose premise is the excessive consumption of alcohol, [19659002] More studies show that the health benefits of drinking alcohol are moderate because in many cases its consumption is high. Studies also warn of the risks of developing serious problems such as heart attacks, kidney failure, liver failure, as well as heart disease, pancreatitis and some types of cancer.

In the case of women who drink too much, they have a higher risk of bad cancer, liver, bowel and mouth. Likewise, the possibility of suffering from diabetes mellitus increases because a high and constant intake of alcohol ignites the pancreas, the organ responsible for the secretion of insulin to regulate blood sugars.

In this regard, the World Health Organization has globally alerted about the increase in alcohol consumption worldwide, especially in teenage and women's groups This is why he urged agencies and aid groups in different countries to intensify awareness campaigns and help those who suffer from alcoholism or other disorders badociated with their consumption. .

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