Study finds large people at higher risk of cancer


Tall people have a higher cancer risk because their body contains more cells according to new research.

The risk of developing this disease increases by 10%. for every 10 centimeters more than that measured compared to the average size explains the study. The reason? They have more cells in their body that can mutate and cause cancer.

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The average height set in the study was 162 centimeters for women and 175 centimeters for men.

The findings coincide with previous research, which established a link between height and an increased risk of developing multiple health problems, including blood clots, heart disease, and diabetes.

Leonard Nunney, a professor of biology at the University of California, Riverside, reviewed earlier series of data on cancer patients, each comprising more than 10,000 cases, both men and women. . He then compared the numbers with expected rates based on his size.

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He put it to the # 1. test hypothesis that the number of cells facing a number of conditions, such as possible hormonal differences in tall people, could lead to an increase in the rate of cell division.

According to the report, was discovered. a link between the total number of cells in a person and their probability of cancer in 18 of the 23 clbades of this disease badyzed for the study .

Research also found that the risk was higher for women: higher persons are 12% more likely to develop cancer while taller men have 9% of chances . This result coincided with the rates provided by Nunney, who according to their models reported 13% for women and 11% for men.

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Colon and kidney cancer and lymphomas were part types of cancer for which the correlation was strongest.

"We have known for a long time that there is a link between cancer risk and height: the higher a person is, the greater the risk," CNN Georgina Hill told IRIN. Cancer Research UK organization. "What we are not sure of, is why: if it's just because a tall person has more cells in his body or where he exists an indirect link with something related to nutrition and childhood, "added Hill, who did not participate in the study. the study

He also noted that the study provides good evidence of the theory of "direct effect" that the total number of cells is at the same time. origin of the link. "The methodology is good, they took data from large studies, which is important, and badyzed different categories of cancers ," he added.

However, he noted that the increased risk of developing this disease is low compared with the effects that a lifestyle change may have. "This results in a slightly higher risk and individuals may take more important steps to make positive changes, such as quitting and maintaining a healthy weight."

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