Study Reveals the Relationship Between Adipose Tissue and Colorectal Cancer


A study conducted by researchers at the Center de
Biomedical Research Network on Obesity and Nutrition (Ciberobn) and the Institute
Biomedical Research Center (Ibima) – with the results collected and
published in the journal "Clinical Epigenic" – highlights the relationship between adipose tissue
cancer (big) and colorectal.

For research, Malagan scientists took
samples of 57 patients with colorectal cancer and half a hundred patients
in good health, from those who have taken blood and visceral tissue samples. The results
indicates that it is the first study to establish the relationship between the receiver
of vitamin D and this type of cancer, partly explaining the anti-inflammatory process
that this vitamin plays in the adipose tissue of colorectal cancer.

Manuel Macías, a researcher who signed the study, said that
well this survey is an advance it
need more funding and studies to discover the precise ways and mechanisms that give rise to the relationship between
adipose tissue and colorectal cancer, to create new treatments and
preventive strategies.

It should be noted that colorectal cancer has a high prevalence.
Throughout the world, for both men and women,
first causes of new cases due to cancers. In Chile, it is one of the
the top four causes of cancer deaths in the general population.

Regarding risk factors for this disease
Oncology, the predominance is age – 90% of cases are diagnosed
Last 50 years – the history of the family and the
appearance of intestinal polyps, among others. On the other hand, there is
modifiable risk factors, such as obesity,
alcohol consumption, smoking, physical inactivity and consumption of
utraprocessed foods.

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