Study says energy drink increases risk of heart attack


A study conducted by University of Texas scholars to ensure that the consumption of a single energy drink could increase the risk of having a heart attack or stroke .

As indicated in the investigation, this possibility is due to the fact that taking this type of fluid causes a constriction of the blood vessels which may cut off the flow of blood to others body organs.

To reach this conclusion, the research team studied 44 medical students dependent on the university hospital, which fulfilled three main characteristics: t for 20 years, do not smoke and be clbadified in the category "healthy" .

Later, officials examined the functioning of the endothelium participants, the corresponding to a layer of cells lining the blood vessels. This decision is due to the fact that endothelial dysfunction is an indicator of heart attack due to the inability of the arteries to expand completely.

How did they do it? The researchers measured the endothelial function of the students before they took an energy drink of 700 ml. Subsequently, they did the same measurement 90 minutes after ingestion of the drink.

The tests carried out one hour and a half after the taking were decisive: It was possible to observe the mediated dilation of the flow of the arteries and that the internal diameter of the blood vessels had been halved on average .

"While energy drinks are becoming more and more popular, it is important to study their effects on those who drink them frequently and determine" What is the safe drinking pattern, "explained the doctor? John Higgins, professor of medicine at McGovern School, as reported by the Daily Mail.

The research team said that this effect on blood vessels would be related to the ingredients contained in the drinks. among which sugar, taurine and caffeine inter alia.

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