Study says sedentary lifestyle is worse for health than smoking, diabetes or heart disease – health and wellbeing


© Credit: Agencia Uno   Study says sedentary lifestyle is more harmful to health than smoking, diabetes or heart disease

Women are the ones who benefit most from the health care system. ;exercise. Tvn


A 23-year study of 122 patients at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio revealed that not doing Exercise is worse for health than smoking, diabetes or heart disease. 19659007] "The inability to run on a treadmill or perform a stress test with exercise has a worse prognosis, in terms of death, than hypertension, diabetes or smoking " said the clinic's cardiologist and author of the study, Dr. Wael Jaber.

The results of the tests surprised the professional, who explained that leading a sedentary life and getting lost in shape presents some dangers. However, the results of the study indicate that these states have risk factors as high as smoking, diabetes or even a terminal illness.

The study showed that people who lead sedentary lives are at risk. 500 percent badociated with death. However, those who practice a physical activity, even minimal, run a risk of death 390% higher than those who do it regularly.

With regard to those who benefit more from exercise, the doctor stated that women of all ages have "more pronounced" benefits than men.

The doctor concluded that the lack of physical fitness should be taken into account as well as hypertension, diabetes or the habit of smoking. such "should be treated as a disease, which has a prescription, which would be an exercise."


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