Study suggests that Mars had life long before Earth


For many years, research on the planet March has led to a number of theories that have not been proven to date, but now a hypothesis suggesting that the red planet where life could be demonstrated. thanks to a study

Martin Bizzarro researcher at the Museum of Natural History of Denmark, explained in a study published in the journal Nature, that the mythical planet had the necessary conditions to create life after the birth of the solar system

The study presents information where it is stated that the solid crust of Mars is formed quickly, since to have water liquid on a planet a solid surface is necessary and so

Bizarro even emphasizes that the results of his studies support the possibility that on this planet there were great oceans our so that the ideal conditions for the existence of life have been presented.

These findings suggest that Mars could harbor life a hundred million years before our planet ] a finding that contradicts some studies that claimed the Martian mantle was taking much more time to train.

Mars was a fully formed planet – a crust and everything – inside only 20 million years of birth of the solar system. This rapid formation means that the red planet has probably jumped 100 million years on Earth in terms of habitability

Research pic.twitter. com / I7YaSJeSzl

– Lindsey Williams (@auth_LWilliams) June 28, 2018

" We were able to determine that the crystallization of the surface of Mars was extremely fast : only 20 million 39 years after the formation of the solar system, 4,567 million years ago, Mars had a solid crust that could harbor oceans and perhaps also life, "Bizzarro says in his research.

The hypotheses of Danish scientists are based on the badysis of the NWA 7034 Martian meteorite, which was found in 2011 in the desert Sahara where it was possible to extract the zircon, an extremely hard mineral that survives the different geological processes and is one of the oldest entities of the Martian crust.

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