Subjects hit and maniaten caring to escape millionaire booty


The Litueche officials were the ones who managed to find the location of two individuals who, on Thursday morning, entered a building and, after hitting and handcuffing their guardian, escaped with a fire. million dollars

. Carabineros, after the security alarm of the San Roberto supermarket was activated, the uniformed personnel was established in the corroborating place that some individuals entered by cutting the fence of the perimeter fence , moving to the home of the concierge of the premises, where they proceeded to tie and beat him with an energetic element in the back, subtracting him $ 1,380,000 in cash.

The antisocials tried to enter the local premises, a situation that was frustrated by the arrival of the carabinieri. escape, obtaining the arrest of two of them, seizing the tools and elements used to perpetrate the crime.

were identified as R.A.C.H. 31 year old and I.I.B.P of 27, both prolific antisocial with criminal records for similar offenses.

Carabineros maintain diligences to object to locate the third subject who is alleged to have fled with the stolen money. By order of the public prosecutor's office, they were placed at the disposal of the public prosecutor, who pbaded the control of the detention to the court of guarantee of Pichilemu.

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