Subtel Repeats Regulations Requiring the Approval of Tapes on Mobile Phones


The Sub-Secretariat for Telecommunications (Subtel) announced that as of November 10, the multi-band / SAE regulation would be re-launched, which stipulates that all mobile phones marketed in the country must undergo a process. and must be able to receive messages from the Emergency Alert System (EWS) issued by Onemi in the event of a phenomenon that could lead to risks to the population.

"This public policy supports two relevant topics The first is the safety of people, because requiring the mandatory incorporation of technology into mobile phones to receive messages from the alert system of Emergency (SAE), lives are saved facing the potential occurrence of a phenomenon that could at the risk for people, receive an alert, with a sound and vibration hard to ignore, and with accurate information and clear instructions, "said Subtel.

He then added that, on the other hand, the multiband standard is illustrated in a simple way. the compatibility of the equipment with the different technologies available in the country, providing users with clear information about their equipment and the bands in which it will operate.

In addition, it will facilitate the process of number portability because often users did not know if their mobile device could work in bands where the company they wanted to transfer.

In the event that a user acquires a device that does not bear the seal of the Multiband / SAE regulation, he can claim directly from Subtel or the national service of consumption (Sernac), according to which he acquires a company mobile phone or other distributor, respectively

Purchase of mobile phones abroad and tourists

When the scope of application of this measure has been announced, the One of the main questions users were asking was how this regulation applies to mobile phones. acquired outside the country and which were not part of a process of approval.

If the user is using this phone and active with a local business chip, a message will appear on the screen to redirect it to this site: https: // multibanda .cl / ia / where you can choose one of the different certification companies that will allow you to perform this procedure online.

If not, the phone stays in place. Temporarily registered for a period of 30 days, during which time the registration must be made. If the mobile is not registered, it will be blocked.

In the case of tourists, there are several alternatives. If the mobile phone is used with roaming or Wi-Fi, they should not perform any procedures, which will connect to local networks and / or the Internet. Now, if used with a local SIM card, the user must register their phone in the database. In this case, the phone must be unlocked and compatible with national bands.

Other Devices

The provisions of the multiband rule also apply to other devices that connect to mobile networks. In this case, users must remember that, to use the mobile network, they must be registered in the system.

According to the regulations, all devices marketed in the country must already be registered in the system. In the case of those who are bought abroad and enter the country, users must register them in a certification company.

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