Subtel stresses that the Leader of Regulatory Policies was for "performance"


On June 20, the Undersecretariat of Telecommunications announced that, through an inspection process, it has detected that the companies Claro, Entel, Telsur, Movistar and VTR were using At the same time, Under Secretary Pamela Gidi said that "Subtel, in this scenario, is using its powers to control and manage the radio spectrum as a national badet". for public use, needs to thoroughly study the 3.5 Ghz band as standard for the technological development of the 5G network, and that the country's technological development be allowed, in line with the most developed international markets "

Indeed, the organization decided to suspend the commercial exploitation of the band since abnormal situations occurred .. the departure of the head of the Regulatory Policies of the Subtel; Gonzalo Doña

According to Diario Financiero, the telecommunications electrical engineer, after two months in power, resigned from his post in the Subtel when he disagreed with the decision to freeze the 3.5 Ghz band determined by the Sub- secretary

The article states that Doña would have expressed her differences to Gidi for the measure, because according to her she had no technical support.This is because the reaction of the The industry and the delay that it would imply for the implementation of 5G would not have been taken into account.

Subtel version

However, in Subtel, they exclude technical differences to explain the release of Doña. Consulted by the situation of the official, the under-secretary point out that "in the first 100 days of government formed the technical teams, among which is the regulatory policy (where Doña has worked) .In this conformation of the equipment , all areas and public servants are subject to a performance evaluation which must conform to the requirements and pace of work that this undersecretary needs as a key element of the country's digital development. [19659002] More specifically, in the case of Gonzalo Doña, Subtel notes that "the resignation was requested for a performance problem and his departure does not respond to the differences of technical opinion with the authority ] "

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