Subtel will go to TDLC by a Supreme Court resolution that struck Claro, Entel and Movistar | National


The Government has approved the Sub Communications Secretariat's (Subtel) project to submit a non-contentious consultation to the Tribunal for Free Competition (TDLC), for proposing to increase the limit of the amount of the fee. use of the radio spectrum for businesses.

However, as explained by the Undersecretary of Telecommunications, Pamela Gidi, "await the formal proposals of the companies and on this basis we will consider the issue of TDLC which is of course the One of the alternatives we will badyze, "said La Tercera

Similarly, after a meeting with the president, Sebastián Piñera it was confirmed that the spokesman would be in the hands of Gidi, and the role of the Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Gloria Hutt in the problem.

The decision comes after a Supreme Court resolution, which accepted a lawsuit filed against Claro, Entel and Movistar, in which they were accused of monopolizing the 700 MHz band in a call of 39, tenders conducted in 2013, reversing the decision of the Tribunal for Free Competition (TDLC).

He then orders that they must "divest themselves of the same amount of specification The radio was acquired in the contest of the 700 band."

The decision was based on the fact that did not did not respect the 60 MHz limit for each company. On this occasion, Telefónica was granted 20 MHz, Claro 20 MHz and Entel 30 MHz, respectively completing 115 MHz, 115 MHz and 130 MHz.

Therefore, an alternative offered by the Supreme Court was directly to remove the spectrum above 60 MHz covered by each operator.

Last week, Subtel also decided to freeze the use of the 3500 MHz band just before the Supreme's resolution, by hosting a presentation from the National Corporation of Consumers and Users (Conadecus).

The temporary ban was made to give priority to the study and development of the 5G mobile network and its use through the aforementioned band.

The latter, based on a study by the agency, determined that the main consumers of the 3.5 GHz band do not do enough to justify its development and its maintenance.

Also, according to sources quoted by the newspaper, at La Moneda they were up to date before the announcement regarding the 3,500 MHz band of the Subtel plan to boost 5G service by 2020.

In the same sense, they ensure that company representatives exercised a "powerful lobby" to reverse the freeze of the 3,500 MHz band.

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