Successful conclusion of the Third Pacific Alliance Youth Meeting in Cali


June 29, 2018 – 06:14 pm



El País editorial

This Friday, the third meeting of the youth of the Pacific Alliance has ended in Cali, where the # 39, entrepreneurship and sustainability of work were discussed. more than 30,000 young people from countries like Chile, Mexico, Peru and Colombia.

In this case, young people from these four countries exchanged their experiences through entrepreneurship on their territory. In the space, there were also guest speakers who spoke about the reality that young people live in Latin America when they leave universities and educational centers.

The event organized by Nestlé Colombia included the participation of President Juan Mauel Santos, Governor of the Valley, Dilian Francisca Toro, Mayor of Cali, Maurice Armitage, Minister of Labor, Griselda Janeth Restrepo, and traders of the region and the country.

The president of Nestlé Colombia, Javier Texido, spoke about dual education, a model that should be implemented in Colombia. "It is a Swiss educational system that trains young people theoretically and technically as early as the age of 15. Young people combine their studies in the business, "he said," How long does a Caleño take to get a job?

To date, more than 11,000 youth have benefited from the Pacific Alliance Youth Employment Agreement.

Nevis Cadena, from the department of Nariño, commented on his project of entrepreneurship. "What we do is the purchase, processing and production of products such as arazá, rosary, plum and borojó, which are very rare fruits to obtain in the interior We are seeking to create new legal alternatives in the territory that allow the community to go forward, "said Mr. Cadena.

SENA and Nestlé Colombia signed an agreement to support training, employability and certification of professional skills. ]! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply (n, arguments): n.queue.push (arguments)};
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