Sum Japan 80 dead by heat wave


At least 80 people died and more than 1,500 were admitted to emergency rooms because of the heat wave that hit Japan in the past two weeks. some parts of the country have recorded more than 40 degrees centigrade.

The Japanese government has asked citizens to stay in their homes, even proposed to extend the summer holidays and install air conditioning in some public schools.

Record temperatures continue across the country and emergency measures to protect students and their well-being have become a central issue, "said Yoshihide Suga, the firm's general secretary, during a conference.

The public broadcaster NHK recommended that the public take frequent sips of water to stay hydrated and recover the salt levels lost through sweating, in addition to staying at home. He also released videos with instructions on how to treat victims of heat stroke

Temperatures approached 40 degrees in many cities last week, just under the record of 41.1 degrees recorded on Monday in Kumagaya, northwest of

Temperatures in the center of Tokyo, where an Olympic stadium is under construction, were around 35 ° C.

Data Provided by the Agency for Fire and Disaster Management (FDMA, in English) They have shown that more and more people are dying of heat stroke.

In the week of July 22, 65 people died against 12 the previous week and only three in the previous seven days, the agency said. At least 13 people died Monday, Kyodo news agency reported.

"The elderly make up the vast majority of the dead," said Fumiaki Fujibe, a researcher at the Department of Geography, Tokyo Metropolitan University. half of those sent to emergency rooms are over 65, but they account for 80% of deaths. "

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