Super Smash Bros. Ultimate leaked hacked version for Nintendo Swtich


It is not easy to hack the switch, and Nintendo has not made it easy for hackers, but the Internet is full of links to download Super Smash Bros. Ultimate two weeks before its release on the sites. stores

According to Motherboard the game first came on WarezNX, a very popular hacker community on Nintendo Switch which, like other similar communities, is organized via the Discord discussion platform. . "With regard to the switch games [pirateados] this is the most important in history," said a WarezNX administrator .

To filter such a game, you first need to access your files through download codes that Nintendo badigns to journalists and journalists or through physical access to a cartridge before its release. At least one of the downloads of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate circulating on the forums seems to come from a physical cartridge of Mexico.

In any case, such early filtering and such an important game for Nintendo is unusual. For this reason, and in order to avoid the persecution of Nintendo, WarezNX administrators have decided to ban all low-level users, who are the most likely source of the leak.

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