Super Smash Bros Ultimate | These are all the secret winks of the opening kinematics


Super Smash Bros. Ultimate will arrive on on December 7 to brighten up our holiday season with Nintendo characters wrapped in a sports cartoon violence and exclusively for Nintendo Switch . The game shows us an exciting opening cinematic entitled " World of Light ", in which an unknown enemy destroys all the characters fired by Nintendo with the help of blaster bundles. The cinematic retains many small details that could be overlooked we show you below those we have noticed:

The Wii Fit Trainer's pose

One of the most random scenes was the one where Duck Hunter's villager, duck and dog make strange panic movements and the Wii Fit Trainer calmly poses yoga poses, without seeking to escape enemy attacks but to accept them. inevitable death a few seconds before being obliterated. The specific pose to perform is the " tree pose " which, in the game, gives a few moments of invulnerability; that means she was trying to avoid the coup d'etat which ultimately failed.

The death of a small box

Those who played any episode of Metal Gear Solid (or even Super Smash Bros. Brawl) identified this clink of Immediately, but for those who do not, we will specify that Snake protagonist of Metal Gear Solid generally uses a cardboard box in his missions. camouflage mode. This technique of unorthodox stealth is generally referred to as a humorous device and is one of the most iconic features of the character. Rest in peace, Snake

Duck Hunt's duck

While Duck Hunt's hunting dog turned a blind eye to his inevitable condemnation, his little duck companion firmly grasped him bad and try to fly out of place without success. Who laughs now, little dog?

What on earth is Link's shield?

While the rays of the mbadacre effortlessly destroyed the shield of Palutena and annihilated the hard shell of Bowser Hyliano's seemingly bbad shield deviated only one, if not two rays that annihilated other powerful characters. This may be due to the fact that in games like Skyward Sword, the Hyliano Shield is indestructible, when all the other shields have a decreasing durability bar, the Hyliano Shield is still loaded and its bar of durability shines. with a blue color to symbolize his infinite resistance.

Kirby can travel (a lot) faster than the speed of light

Remember that the main star of Warpstar, the one that Kirby uses during his transport escape through the universe and can transport it in a few moments to any place in the observable universe, making it logical that he was the only character not to be eliminated by mortal moments. The community made calculations on the higher speeds achieved by Kirby by any means and it was concluded that on one occasion, Kirby had moved 36 233 430 907 420 930 times the speed light escaping from downtown. universe to its limits, diameter the observable universe is 9300 million light years in only a minute with 21 seconds. (Source)

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