Super Smash Bros. Ultimate was hacked two weeks before launch


Two weeks before the release of the most anticipated video game of the year on Nintendo Switch, pirated copies of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate are already circulating on the network. The information has been confirmed by the website of the motherboard.

"Four sources told us that the hackers had leaked Smash.The WarezNX community administrator provided a video, at our request, with a specific character and setting.Another source provided a second video confirming that the leak is real, "explained the portal.

Through Youtube, 4Chan and Reddit began revealing details about the music soundtrack or other elements that are part of the expected video game. Therefore, the call is to pay attention to the spoilers as they are likely to detail the end of the adventure mode before the release scheduled for December 7.

video with the game's home screen:

According to information released in pirate communities, at least one leaked version would have ruined a console, while various groups and individuals have begun to scramble the files. the hackers although the process is not simple.

Moreover, in Motherboard, they explain that, although Switch games are filtered a few days before their release, it is unprecedented that a long-awaited game like this is running away with so much. anticipation.

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