Super Taldo in serious condition after suffering a heart attack


Agustín Arenas, better known as "Super Taldo" is in a serious condition after having suffered a heart attack because he is interned at the Hospital Crínico de l'Universidad Catholic.

According to information published by La Cuarta, Arenas, 58, was hospitalized last Friday after suffering a heart attack and is connected to an artificial heart .

Before the complication, Arenas wrote in his Facebook account that he should take care of his mother and brother . "My mother is blind and I have her at home to take care of her, now my brother is serious in intensive care because of his heart, the worst of all is that I am alone and I do not know what to do. "

Nelly Arenas explained that his brother collapsed without warning when he arrived at work . "We are going through a very difficult time, we do not know how that happened, my father died a year ago from a heart attack, my mother was blind a month ago, my other brother is hospitalized and now Agustin is seriously ill. " minor of the Clan Arenas Cardoza

Blood of any kind is needed. Donors go to the blood bank of Clínico Universidad Católica Hospital, Marcoleta 345, on behalf of Agustín Arenas. Favor RT

– Bernardo de la Maza (@bdelamaza) July 3, 2018

The journalist Bernardo de la Maza, who interviewed Arenas at the age of 12 and gave way to what would become years later viral phenomenon, stated that " medical prognosis is bad ." I spoke with his family, they told me that he had never had a similar attack, however, it is a genetic problem, since he was a brother he is hospitalized for the same thing "

In addition, the professional asked for blood donors of all kinds for Arenas.

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