Surcorea: A former president sentenced to eight years in prison



Park, dismissed by the South Korean parliament at the end of 2016, has already served a 24-year prison sentence for abuse of authority and corruption inflicted on him in April a huge scandal that triggered a wave of protests

The former president, 66, was not present at the hearing during which the Central District Court in Seoul inflicted six years in prison for embezzlement National Intelligence Service (NIS) and two more for illegally intervening in the nomination of their Conservative Party candidates for parliamentary elections 2016.

As it is consecutive sentences, Park could spend a total of 32 years behind bars.

Park was found guilty of having collected a total of 3,300 million won ($ 2.9 million, 2.6 million euros) diverted from the service funds of the 39; intelligence. [19659003] " The defendant received about 3 billion won in three years from three NIS bosses The defendant caused considerable losses to the Treasury through his crime," said the court.

Three former NIS professed to have misappropriated funds from their organization by order of Park, according to the judgment. accused the former president of having used the money to reform his private home, to finance a store in which his confidant Choi Soon-sil had his clothes and other private services, such as mbadages.

Choi, the secret friend and the character At the heart of the scandal, was sentenced to 20 years in prison for abuse of authority, bribery and interference in the affairs of the state and used his privileged links with Park to extort millions of euros from companies including the giant Samsung. .

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