Survey: 86% of parents in UK allow children to play adult titles


Since video games have reached a certain level of popularity, their impact on consumers has been badyzed according to the themes treated by different titles. Although they have sometimes been identified as causing a variety of health and social problems, the truth is that the representative bodies of the industry have complied with the explicit information on the content and have granted a clbadification. for a surveillance in the consumption of minors but it seems that there are regions in which it is not like that.

According to a survey conducted in the United Kingdom by the Childcare organization, a high percentage of parents allow their children to play video games. Adults The statistical exercise was conducted with a sample of 2,171 parents in the UK and, in the beginning, more than half indicated that they let their minor children play clbadified titles since more 18 years old. At the same time, 86% of respondents admitted to disregarding the ranking on the cover of games, which indicates the type of content it contains and the age from which its use is recommended. . The same percentage said they did not think that adult video games have an impact on their children's behavior, but 43% admitted to having detected negative behavior in their children after playing adult titles and 22% revealed that their children had begun

Finally, the Childcare survey in the UK revealed that 62% of parents tried to withdraw video games to their children but did not reach their goal after that. they made a kind of anger. In addition, 48% expressed concern that their children may have some form of video game addiction.

What do you think of these results?

Since we have returned to touch the subject, we remind you that in this link you can check the reaction of the industry to the decision of the World Health Organization to add the video game disorder to the proposal of the International Clbadification of Diseases.

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