Survey by irregular campaign funding checks Bolsonaro's candidacy


The open investigation against the campaign of the far right Jair Bolsonaro for alleged electoral fraud by broadcasting "fake news" funded by businessmen disrupted the Environment in Brazil eight days before the second round of elections

Electoral justice estimated this Friday that it was necessary to hurry up if Bolsonaro benefited "directly" from the mbadive bombing , via Whatsapp, defamatory messages against his opponent, the Progressive Fernando Haddad, Workers Party (PT)

Meanwhile, the federal police has opened today, at the request of the Office of the Prosecutor, a new criminal investigation to determine the role of various technology companies in spreading "false information" against the two presidential candidates

The Office of the Prosecutor cited three reports that deal with to justify the opening of the case. , one of which is the subject of the newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo in which the plot in favor of Bolsonaro was denounced and one of the allegedly involved companies, the Brazilian commercial network Havan [19659002] The spreading "fake news" via whatsapp allegedly was engaged by businessmen who support the captain in the army reserve, which is prohibited by the Brazilian election legislation.

The author of the text, the journalist Patrícia Campos Mello, awarded this year's prize by the King of Spain for digital journalism, has been the subject of mbad threats and offenses since its publication, as reported the Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism.

Given the seriousness of the events reported in the cited report, the PT asked the Superior Electoral Court to disqualify for eight years Bolsonaro leader in the polls with the intention of voting, for " abuse of power "economic and illegal use of digital communication media. "

WhatsApp, for its part, stated that it was blocking hundreds of thousands of user accounts throughout the campaign because of the spread of fake content.

The campaign Bolsonaro gave Haddad electoral ammunition to redouble his attacks and insist that his rival "create a criminal organization" with like-minded businessmen to defame him.

"He resorts to contractors for private contracts with (third-party) companies that are mbad-firing with fake messages about me to gain votes. This endangers democracy in the country, "said the Socialist at a press conference.

Haddad, who filled the election platform of the city of Juazeiro do Norte, in the state of Ceará, in the main northeastern stronghold, however, PT regretted that the Electoral Court did not allow the searches requested at the headquarters of the suspect companies.

Bolsonaro repeated today 39 in a brief appearance before the media that he "does not need him. & # 39; fake news & # 39; "to win the elections and badured that" who has this type of contact with bandits is the PT "and not him.

According to the latest poll, published this Thursday, Bolsonaro a nostalgic of the dictatorship military (1964-1985), he would get 59% of the votes cast, against 41% of Mr Haddad, political heir to the former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, convicted of corruption.

Up the match and win This election, "said Haddad.

The former Minister of Education is fighting to reverse the huge distance that separates his opponent and has scheduled a series of protests this weekend in some northeastern cities, the PT's historic bastion, which was fundamental to increase the number of votes

The objective of this little tour in the states of Ceará, Piauí and Maranhao is to win the voters who, in the first round, opted for Ciro Gomes, nominated by the Labor Party . He was defeated in the first round on October 7th and finished third with 12.5%.

Similarly, Haddad also seeks to stop the advance in the north-east of Bolsonaro which today addressed the "Brothers of the Northeast" for invoking Israel as a model for agricultural development and promising to maintain social programs for the poorest families, although he stressed that they would receive this help they deserve.

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