Suspected suspect of killing a man of 12 bullets in San Pedro de la Paz


For his alleged responsibility in the murder of Alex Venegas (46) last shooting of 12 bullets on June 19, the homicide brigade of the PDI of Concepción, Region of Biobío, Héctor Mora decree (20) .

The head of the BH penquista, commissioner Jorge Abatte said that "the version of the witnesses and security cameras that are located near the sector As other backgrounds of". investigation, they realize that he has a direct stake and that he acted alone However, the same is done to reliably establish when there are other people involved in this fact. "

With respect to the motive for the crime, the officer added that" the main investigation indicates quarrels motivated by the sale of a vehicle and other circumstances between them. "

Mora, resident of the same population of the deceased, Bo South of San Pedro de la Paz, has a criminal record and will face charges in the courts for the crime of homicide .

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