Suspension in Toyota sales in the United States


Toyota imported more than half of the 2.4 million vehicles that it sold in the United States last year, including several of its best-selling models and most profitable.

Trump's measure of applying a 25% overall tariff to the import of cars would result not only in job losses and sales to the states United States, according to the study of the CAR Group, but would also increase by an average of $ 4,400 the price of cars in that country ( is currently around 35 thousand dollars.)

In the In the case of cars badembled in the United States, the increase would be 2 thousand 270 dollars, for imported vehicles and trucks would be 6,875.

"The new tariffs or quotas would also reduce competition and options for the consumer, they would increase the cost of used vehicles and increase the cost of transporting cars to the store for repair or repair. " said Peter Welch, president of the National Association of car dealers, who ordered the 3

Last year, the United States imported $ 192 billion in vehicles and $ 143 billion in auto parts . Almost 98% of the cars and trucks to which would apply tariffs are imported from allied countries of the United States: the European Union, Canada, Japan, Mexico and South Korea.

With the help of information from Bloomberg, El Economista and El Financiero

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