Suspicious Money Laundering Suspense Balance


During the first six months of the year, the Financial Analysis Unit (FAU) detected evidence of money laundering and terrorist financing in 108 suspicious transaction reports ( ROS) received.

This figure represents an increase of almost 32% over the same period last year. Of these, 66 corresponded to suspicious transactions reported by banks, 20 to casinos, six to public institutions and four to money transfer companies.

This shows that obliged subjects are more attentive to suspicious transactions and more willing to report them to the UAF, as well as a consolidation of the entity.

The balance sheet also found that during the badyzed period 145 sanction proceedings were instituted against natural and legal persons for non-compliance with the Money-Laundering Act.

The sector that led in this area was the users of free zones, with 52 sanction procedures, seconded from companies dedicated to property management, with 22, real estate brokers (18), directors. investment funds (18), factoring companies (seven) and notaries (seven).

This shows that some tori have managed to internalize the regulation, but others are still lagging behind in the incorporation of regulations, such as the real estate sector. In this respect, it would be important for the trade badociations to which these entities belong to take the necessary measures to minimize the deficiencies detected.

In the end, this is a process that should highlight the constant improvement of the control exercised, so that the UAF can perform an efficient and exhaustive badysis of all the information received by the multiple actors obliged to report suspicious transactions.

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