Sweet Christmas: that's what old chocolate men look like with the new law | Economy


The clbadic image of old boy from Santa Cruz populating candies and chocolates in supermarkets and stores was officially declared.

After the decision of the Supreme Court which exiled counters for violating the Labeling Law the chocolates with the figure of the old Easter man engraved on its surface did not are covered only with a red or golden metal layer, in which appear black seals now mandatory.

This decision is the result of a case initiated in 2016 in the region of Tarapacá, where the Seremi of Salud fined an establishment of 5 UTM after finding the image of Santa, arguing that it promotes consumption in children under 14 years.

Social networks elicit many reactions, users joking or directly criticizing the new presentation.

The law on labeling is worth being lifted for the mother recresta
Who will buy this pascuero dildo wn. WHO!? pic.twitter.com/ZcreN49c3T

– Fernando Cruces ♛ (@Krusty_cl) November 6, 2018

Now that the #Leydelabel banished the 39 image of the former pascuero, his patriarchal pharienne vendor condition was revealed. pic.twitter.com/VDsBjv8sn7

– Laura Quintana? (@nenanerd) November 6, 2018

Chocolate Godemichets in the shape of an old thug pic.twitter.com / WAxyi75KtD

– Ideas of Lavín (@ideasdelavin) November 6, 2018

Thanks to the laws of our "honorable magnos", the old pascuero chocolate is like that. What stupidity of these owners. #Chile pic.twitter.com/m4OzoUA2qn

– Ricardo (@Arqueros) November 5, 2018

Good bye, old man with chocolate, welcome to Japi Jane ] pic .twitter.com/kloV8d74Tv

– El Luchón (@LesLuxtor) November 4, 2018

Consulted by Las Últimas Noticias on this subject, since Jumbo badured that it was not a reaction to the resolution of the highest court in the country since last year that would not have old old in their packaging.

However, as explained by the Serem of Salud de Tarapacá, Manuel Fernández, there is a way to allow the candies to find the old boy in his presentation: without black seals.

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