Taxes reported in operating income 2018 increased by 13.6% annually



In total, 3,700,138 taxpayers, or 6.57% more than the previous year, filed their income tax returns under the 2018 Lease Transaction. this total, 80.89% corresponds to refund applications; 8.23%, returns with tax payments and 10.88% to filed returns (without refund or payment).

According to the information given Monday by the Internal Revenue Service (SII), in conjunction with the General Treasury of the Republic (TGR), taxpayers who filed their tax return, 68.38% corresponds to people; 24.93% to micro-enterprises; 5.33% to small businesses; 0.89% to medium and 0.47% to large taxpayers.

The repayments requested in 2018 exceeded $ 3,612 billion, with a reduction of 10% over the previous year (-25% in the case of large taxpayers). Meanwhile, the amounts paid this year have exceeded $ 2.95 billion, or 7% more than in 2017 (32% in large companies).

It should be noted that this year 124 256 statements were made via mobile devices. Electronic Revenue In addition, 2,998,806 taxpayers, or 83.31% of the total, reported using the IIC's proposal, which set a new record in this area. It was also the first income transaction in which companies reported under the new tax regimes.


A total of 2,653,096 taxpayers received a refund of surpluses in Operation Renta 2018, for an amount greater than $ 1,746. 169 million, which represents an increase in the number of taxpayers by 5.2% compared to the previous year.

Of these, 2,513,528 opted for the electronic transfer, while 139,568 were reimbursed for other means of payment (checks and cash payment through BancoEstado). . Of the total number of taxpayers who received a refund, 2,530,113 were natural persons and 124,387 were legal persons.

As in previous years, the Treasury has made three refunds, a process in which 94.74% of taxpayers received your money (total or partial repayment) through the bank deposit, a point above one point. This reflects the favorable reception by taxpayers of the call to use this option because it is the fastest and the safest In addition to guaranteeing higher levels of efficiency, with a lower cost for the population and an economy for the Treasury.

Debt Collection

The General Treasury of the Republic (TGR) is authorized by law to withhold repayments. Surplus income, the equivalent in amount of what each taxpayer owes for unpaid taxes, debts with the public health system and court debts, among others. In this Operation Rent, the total amount of deductions was $ 56,981 million to 261,883 indebted taxpayers.

In parallel with the above, as in previous years, the TGR offset the tax debts which, in 2018, affected 83,521 taxpayers, with a variation of 0.8% compared to 2017. Meanwhile , the amount in pesos of compensation has decreased by 10%, reaching 22 935 million dollars.

The TGR applied deductions to 178,388 taxpayers for various mandates from other institutions. Among the other deductions, those deriving from pensions and working debts stand out, which in the number of cases increased by 28%. To the same extent, cases of retention by requests for support increased by 24%, while retentions by judicial applications increased by 53% and other retentions by 5%. However, as a result, total deductions decreased by 27.4% to reach $ 34,046 million in 2018. [19659003] Tax returns

Total taxes reported at the end of Operation Renta 2018 increased by 13.6% over the previous year, from US $ 13,479 million to US $ 15,313 million. On the other hand, in the net cash amount corresponding to the difference between the payments made and the repayments requested, the latter were higher than the payments. It should be recalled that the October 2017 report on public finances provided for a net positive cash amount, which contrasts with the net financial result of US $ -1,072 million collected.

With regard to the increase in taxes reported the previous year, is mainly due to a 12.3% increase in the first category tax, and 62.3% of the tax. additional tax. The specific tax on mining activity (68.5%) and the overall complementary tax (9.4%) are also rising.

Indeed, the first-clbad tax shows an increase of 12.3%, partly explained by an increase in the rate (from 24% to 25% in the case of taxpayers of the income scheme awarded, and 24% to 25.5% in the semi-integrated scheme), and GDP growth of 1.5%, but mainly because of the 67.6% increase of that reported by the group of 10 large private mining companies (10 GMP), due to the 26.8% increase in the average copper price between 2016 and 2017, which rose from 220,563 to 279,684 USD / lb.

The rest of corporate taxpayers, who do not directly experience the impact of the price of copper, shows an increase of 9.1%, higher than the effect of the increase in the rate of в # <в # < Taxation (4.2% of the tax system). allocated income and 6.3 in the semi-integrated scheme).

The additional tax, on the other hand, shows an increase of 62.3%, largely explained by remittances from a small group of companies, mainly related to mining.

For its part, specific tax on mining activity, there is an increase of 68.5% which, as mentioned above, comes mainly from the performance of 10GMP, which faced a better Copper price scenario in 2018.

On the other hand, the items that decrease over the previous year are the additional tax on state-owned companies (-6, 3%) and other taxes (-1.5%), marginally affecting the total result.

Deductions Withheld

Only 4% of low-risk taxpayers (117,657) faced partial or full withholding of their claim. In contrast, 85% of the 17,548 high-risk taxpayers who claimed a refund received $ 1,066 billion in benefits. These taxpayers will be required to report to the SII offices with the information that accredit their information or they will have to correct their return.

Thus, this year, 9% of taxpayers with refund claims were partially or totally retained, for an amount equivalent to more than 1.82 billion dollars.

With respect to the 2018 revenue audit process, a total of 494,508 taxpayers were selected for different processing actions, of which 77,909 are non-taxpayers who report income in 2017.

Of the 416,599 taxpayers filed a statement, 178,006 (43%) will be able to resolve their inconsistencies online through self-correction via the internet. The rest will be contacted by different modes of care: 54,492 at a distance; 120177, in offices; 56 271 with focus in the field and 7 653 through audits

With regard to the main areas in which control will be concentrated, special control measures are envisaged on:

– The 77,909 taxpayers who, despite 2017, appear as non-respondents in the process.

– Sub-registrants of the global supplementary tax; high-income, high-net worth taxpayers whose income tax returns do not conform to this characteristic; and those who record investments, but do not credit the income that supports them.

– First-clbad subclaims; taxpayers who report losses, but have had profits, and excessive use of depreciation for fixed badets. Companies that report losses, despite the fact that the information available in the IIS shows profits, apply mathematical models that seek to determine the profit margins of comparable companies in the same economic sector, region, size or seniority. [19659003] – There will be special monitoring on the reporting of domestic or foreign income obtained through the intermediary of third parties, custodians or intermediaries who are not financial institutions, information collected through Sworn Declaration No. 1932. Unrecognized income was found for this concept for $ 29 509 million

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