Teachers' College will complain about the savage aggression against the teacher


Mario Aguilar, president of Colegio de Profesores, gave his full support to Patricia Sepúlveda, a teacher who was savagely beaten by a student and her parents at the exit of Poeta Vicente García Huidobro High School in Cartagena.

Magisterium, "In the afternoon of Tuesday, July 3, the English teacher Patricia Sepulveda was badaulted by a student with his father and mother, waiting for a locomotion to a block from high school, after finishing his day's work. " 19659003] "On the public highway, the San Antonio District teacher was punched and kicked on the ground, seriously injured in the right leg, who was already malfunctioning and of his eyes, whose damage is still determined by medical studies, "they add.

NOW: @ColegioProfes accompanies and supports Patricia Sepúlveda, a teacher in Cartagena brutally beaten by a lawyer on the outskirts of her high school. Teachers Require Teacher Safety and Support Legal Actions That Produce Sanctions #NoaLasAgresionesADocentes pic.twitter.com/owlBBl668W

– Chile Teachers' Association (@ColegioProfes) July 4 2018

For his part, Professor Sepúlveda reported that "while my father beat me a few punches, my mother and my son kicked me in the leg with a disability until I fall to the ground. " Then they crossed the street and the officer removed his jacket to be identified. After my badault, the family broke the windshield of the car of the student inspector. "

Given these facts, Mario Aguilar made it clear that" it is the most serious for us and we decided to follow all the legal actions. because the wretch who attacked our colleague can not go unpunished. "

" We reported to the Ministry of Education and the Superintendency that the number of badaults against teachers is increasing alarmingly and that the authorities have not taken this matter seriously . This is part of our request and if it does not have a solution, I can announce that there will be mobilizations at the national level, "he warned.

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